

Still Amazing after all this Time

We are working our way through the Bible, and are more than half way to the end. It’s led me to read and re-read all kinds of Scripture describing just how glorious and amazing God is.

  • Psalm 8:1 – O Lord, our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth. You have set your glory above the heavens.

You know we get to be a part of something awesome called the Church.  And the Lord will use us in his service and it can be fulfilling – but let’s never forget everything we do is still all about Him.  I love the quote from former Chicago Bull Stacy King who played with Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen.  On a night when Jordan scored 69 points to beat Cleveland Stacy King scored 1 point.  But his quote in the paper was awesome.

  • Stacy King – “I will always remember this as the night Michael Jordan and I scored 70 points.”

That’s similar to the preacher who wrote and published a book and it went to his head – so after selling lots of books he climbed into the pulpit to pray and he prayed.

  • “We thank you O Lord – Thou who has also written a book.”

I think through the years as life beats down on us, it’s harder and harder to be impressed, amazed, or in awe of all that God does right in our midst.  We are either too impressed with our own stuff or we just take for granted there is an awesome God working on our behalf.  I think maybe this is partly what’s behind Jesus’ statement about becoming like little children.  When we were kids we saw the magic in stars and rainbows.  Something stirred in us at the zoo watching a Polar Bear swim by.  Everything was a discovery that led to buried treasure.  The Christmas paper roll was a sword and a tobacco stick became a hockey stick.

          Look around you friends.  There are sunsets, new babies, leaves changing colors, white puffy clouds, no shortage of the visible proof that our God has always been amazing and is still amazing after all this time.

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