
What are you taking for granted?

I have been reading about Jesus returning to his home town of Nazareth – and how his hometown people and family were not as impressed with his ministry as those who didn’t know him well.  He went home and was unappreciated and unrecognized.  He was also uncelebrated.  So in my mind I’m thinking that if his hometown could take Jesus for granted – then it’s possible you and I take him and his blessings for granted as well.

Ever since we started streaming our services and people from lots of different places have started listening – it has become even more apparent to me that we shouldn’t take what we have here at Hillcrest for granted.  A great Church staff, an incredible Church family, vibrant worship, we are continuing to grow and see new people attend every Sunday. It’s truly a blessing.

I just talked to someone this past week who’s church is now down to about thirty people and there are no young people, they now sing without any instruments (nothing wrong with that), but they want instruments, they just have no one to play them.  I talked to a preacher friend I saw at a meeting at Lighthouse Christian Academy and he is fighting with his leadership.  It’s affecting his relationship with his wife, it’s bringing him incredible anxiety, and it’s making ministry a burden rather than a joy.   It makes me feel both guilty and glad at the same time that I have a leadership team here that is pulling the same direction with me, not against me. 

I have another preacher friend whose Church is struggling financially.  The giving has declined to the point where they have had to cut staff and ministries.  So I hear that and I feel guilty and glad at the same time because our Church is one of the most giving Churches I have ever been a part of.  The spirit of giving in this Church is amazing and it’s not something we should take for granted.  I guess what I’m trying to say is sometimes when we come together it might be easy to just let it be another Sunday – but the truth is – what we have here is not common.  And I for one will refuse to take it for granted.


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